Les colliers Oya sont nés du métissage de la tradition dentelière turque et du regard voyageur de Christine Delpal, créatrice de la marque Karawan. La rencontre forte et prometteuse avec Hanifa et ses soeurs, villageoises d’Anatolie, fut une évidence.
Karawan s’engage depuis sa fondation pour la valorisation de savoir faire artisanaux des Routes de la Soie, par la création de collections singulières que Christine revisite par le design, pour les maintenir vivants, dans une démarche d’économie solidaire. Un désir partagé de transmettre et d’accompagner vers une professionnalisation, source de revenus et d’innovation, des savoirs traditionnels féminins d’exception, souvent limités à la sphère domestique.
Christine s’installe de longs jours dans les montagnes d’Anatolie, aux cotés
"The Donkey milk facial mask is a delicious, caring and nourishing product that gives the skin a radiant and healthy appearance. The mask is produced in Greece, where the donkeys are kept in a sustainable and donkey-friendly way.
Donkey milk is a natural ingredient rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. It has moisturizing properties and helps improve skin texture and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. The mask is suitable for all skin types, even the most sensitive skin. This facial mask is enriched with natural hyaluronic acid, panthenol and organically grown aloe. The donkey milk facial mask protects the skin in this way and improves its elasticity, so that the mask is also an anti-wrinkle product. The ideal care for your face! The product has been developed with respect for the environment and the donkeys and no harmful substances are used during the production process."
Weight:0,05 kg
Dimensions:12 × 1 × 12 cm
Brand:Donkey Milk
Contents in ml :2×8
Values :Organic, Cruelty Free, Eco Friendly, Natural, Paraben Free, Mineral Oil Free
Fleur iconique du romantisme, l’absolue permet d’apporter des effets orientaux délicats, de l’opulence et de la féminité aux compositions. Elle dévoile ses facettes épicées, fruitées et musquées permettant une signature très luxueuse. Particulièrement recommandée pour les accords floraux et les eaux de parfums.
Modern insanların kokusu Agarta Aqua Kolonya, ilk anda tüm vücuda ferahlık verirken, keskin kokusuyla duygularınızı uyandırır.
Ter gibi istenmeyen kokuları önlemeye yardımcı olur.
Yumuşak dokunuşu ile teninizi sarar. Anında serinletici etkisini gösterir.
80 derece aqua kolonya nesilden nesile geçen el hijyeninde kullanılan bir üründür.
Bakımlı erkeklerin traş sonrasında da kullanılabileceği hoş kokulu bir kolonyadır.
Özel şişesi ile evinize şıklık katar.
Evlerinizde günlük olarak kullanabileceğiniz gibi, misafirliğe giderken hediye olarak da alabilirsiniz.
Her yaş grubunun kullanabileceği Agarta Aqua 80 derece kolonya ürününün mikropları yok etme özelliği bulunur.
Özel günlerde sevdiklerinize alabilirsiniz.
Tavsiye edilen kullanım şekline uygun olarak kullanınız.
Üretim ve son kullanma tarihi kolonya ürünü ambalajı üzerindedir.
Son kullanma tarihi geçmiş ürünleri kullanmayınız.
Cilt sağlığı problemi yaşayan kişilerin kolonya kullanırken dikkatli olması gerekir.
Nos arômes alimentaires sont commercialisés sous différentes formes : liquides, poudres, émulsions.
Les conditionnements se déclinent sous forme de flacon de 30 ml, bidons de 250 et 500 ml ou en vrac sur demande.
Ils peuvent être utilisés pour réaliser ou être ajoutés à diverses catégories d’aliments : pâtisseries, macarons, ganaches, crèmes desserts, mousses, confiseries, confitures, cocktails ou sauces mais aussi chocolaterie, glacerie, boissons-sirops, plats cuisinés, produits laitiers, biscuiterie.
“A single wooden table piece is part of a flawless masterpiece of nature, each texture tells a story and is a manifesto of nature's inspiration; “This table is an immortal reminder of the life of the tree.”
In order to present the topic of wood in its simplest form, we develop ideas and projects. We work with university fine arts departments to ensure our products are made by artists. Above all, we are proud to support art students as part of a social project.
The one-of-a-kind natural wood coffee table is made from carefully selected solid pieces of 400-500 year old walnut wood. Therefore, it should not be compared to composite tables. No chemical substances were used in the production process and it is completely handmade. This special table, made in only one piece, serves to add functionality to nature's art.
Item number:SP1012
Width:Varies between 61-82 cm.
Total height from floor:45 cm
Discover the exceptional taste of our Whole boneless ham, naturally cured and molded for a unique presentation. This ham is crafted with precision, using the finest pork leg and a meticulous curing process that includes careful salting and drying. The result is a ham with intense flavors and extraordinary textures, embodying the authenticity of natural curing. Perfect for gourmet dining, this ham is a true culinary delight.
Şirketimiz Botanica markası adı altında saf ve en iyi kalite Bitkisel Uçucu Ve Taşıyıcı Yağların üretimin yapmaktadır. Lavanta, Gül, Nane, Kekik, Hindistan cevizi, Kakao, Badem, Argan, Yasemin, Bergamot, Biberiye, Çay Ağacı, Çörekotu Yağı ve daha fazlasına sahibiz.
Productos de cosmetica, peluquería, perfumeria y ambientadores naturales al por mayor.
Tenemos diferentes lineas con todos los precios y adpatados a todo tipo de profesionales ya seas perfumeria, farmacia, centro de estética, peluquería etc
Marcas como Fruit & Company Mimare, Idc Institute Valquer Martinelia y muchas más. en www.cosmeticalmayor.com
Lo Shampoo Black Edition con elisir rimpolpante è un lussuoso prodotto per la cura dei capelli che combina i profumi tonificanti del tè nero e dello zenzero. Questa formula unica mira a fornire non solo proprietà detergenti e nutrienti, ma anche un’esperienza sensoriale che coccola i sensi. Ideale per chi cerca un trattamento che non solo pulisce, ma anche rinvigorisce e dona vitalità ai capelli, KShampoo Black è perfetto per chi desidera una chioma sana e lucente.
Ozone Naturals is one of the largest Manufacturer and Supplier of Liquid Ginger Spices, Scfe Ginger Oil, Co2 Ginger Oil, Liquid Ginger Oil in Georgia, Co2 Ginger Oil, High Zingiberene Oil, Scfe Co2 Ginger Oil from Georgia. We can develop any Natural Oil as per the customer's satisfactions.
eklifimiz, yüksek kaliteli 0.5 asit zeytinyağı ile öne çıkmaktadır. Düşük asit oranı, üstün lezzet ve doğallık sağlayarak yemeklerinizde sağlıklı bir tat sunar. Saflık, premium kalite ve özenle seçilmiş zeytinlerden üretilmiş olması, ürünümüzü hem bireysel tüketim hem de ticari kullanım için ideal kılar. Zeytinyağı sektörü, sağlıklı ve kaliteli ürün arayanlar için güvenilir bir çözüm sunuyoruz. Kalite, lezzet ve doğallık arayanların tercihi!
Dried and ground larvae in a 35g bottle are a nutritious and protein-rich feed option for various animals, including poultry, fish, and reptiles. This product is made from high-quality larvae that have been carefully dried and ground to preserve their nutritional value. Dried larvae are an excellent source of protein, essential fatty acids, and vitamins, making them an ideal supplement for enhancing the diet of pets and livestock. They can be easily incorporated into feed formulations or offered as a treat to boost the overall health and vitality of animals.
In addition to their nutritional benefits, dried and ground larvae can stimulate natural foraging behaviors in animals, promoting mental stimulation and engagement. This product is particularly beneficial for poultry, as it can enhance egg production and improve feather quality. By including dried and ground larvae in their feeding regimen, farmers and pet owners can provide a natural and wholesome source of nutrition that supports the health and well-being of their animals.
Notre agence de marketing digital propose un accompagnement complet en gestion SEO pour optimiser la visibilité de votre site web sur les moteurs de recherche. De l'audit technique approfondi à la définition d'une stratégie de contenu, en passant par l'optimisation des mots-clés et le netlinking, nous mettons en œuvre des actions sur-mesure pour améliorer durablement votre positionnement et attirer un trafic qualifié.
Nous prenons en charge l’ensemble du processus, de A à Z, afin que vous puissiez vous concentrer sur votre cœur de métier. En tant qu'agence premium, nous travaillons exclusivement avec des consultants expérimentés et qualifiés, garantissant un haut niveau de qualité à chaque étape. Grâce à notre expertise de plus de 10 ans dans le SEO, nous vous aidons à augmenter votre notoriété, générer des leads et maximiser votre ROI. Notre approche personnalisée nous permet d’adapter nos stratégies à vos objectifs, tout en assurant un suivi rigoureux pour des résultats durables et mesurables.
Posee propiedades antiinflamatorias, antibacterianas, antioxidantes, antisépticas y astringentes. Es rica en ácidos orgánicos, enzimas, vitaminas y minerales. Es un endulzante natural y, además, contiene menos calorías que el azúcar industrial.
Optimisez votre visibilité en ligne avec nos experts SEO
Vous cherchez à propulser votre présence en ligne et à attirer un trafic qualifié sur votre site web? Notre agence de référencement vous propose une prestation SEO complète et sur-mesure pour booster votre visibilité sur les moteurs de recherche et augmenter votre classement organique.
Pourquoi choisir notre service SEO:
Stratégie personnalisée: Notre équipe d'experts en SEO travaillera en étroite collaboration avec vous pour comprendre vos objectifs commerciaux, votre public cible et vos concurrents. Nous élaborerons ensuite une stratégie SEO personnalisée pour maximiser vos résultats.
Optimisation technique: Nous effectuerons un audit approfondi de votre site web pour identifier les problèmes techniques qui pourraient nuire à votre référencement. Nous mettrons en place les bonnes pratiques d'optimisation technique pour améliorer la convivialité de votre site pour les moteurs de recherche.
Recherche de mots-clés: Notre équipe effectuera une analyse approfondie des mots-clés pertinents pour votre secteur d'activité et votre audience cible. Nous sélectionnerons les mots-clés les plus appropriés et les intégrerons de manière stratégique dans votre contenu pour améliorer votre positionnement dans les résultats de recherche.
Création de contenu optimisé: Nous produirons du contenu de qualité, optimisé pour les moteurs de recherche, pour renforcer l'autorité de votre site web et attirer un trafic organique qualifié. Que ce soit des articles de blog, des pages de destination ou des descriptions de produits, notre contenu vous aidera à vous démarquer de la concurrence.
Netlinking : Nous mettrons en place une stratégie de netlinking efficace pour renforcer l'autorité de votre site et améliorer votre positionnement dans les résultats de recherche. Nous veillerons à ce que vos backlinks proviennent de sources de qualité et soient pertinents pour votre secteur d'activité.
Les avantages :
- Augmentation du trafic organique sur votre site web
- Amélioration de votre positionnement dans les résultats de recherche
- Renforcement de votre autorité en ligne
- Génération de leads qualifiés et augmentation des conversions
- Suivi et analyse des performances pour optimiser continuellement votre stratégie SEO
Faites confiance à notre expertise en SEO pour faire décoller votre visibilité en ligne!
Contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui pour en savoir plus sur notre prestation SEO et découvrir comment nous pouvons vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs de référencement et de croissance en ligne.
What are we doing
Our company produces both classic and original unique seasonings, the purpose of which is to diversify the daily diet of our customers, to make them healthier, and to surprise them with their tastes. On this, we work with great enthusiasm and effort and are constantly involved in studying spices and coming up with new flavors! Every plant that meets our customers is cultivated with great love and care.
Also, a very important direction of our company's development is the creation of a network of international spice shops, where customers will be met with a real, amazing environment and variety.
Our mission and vision
It is very important for us to introduce Georgian gastronomic culture to consumers worldwide. Let's introduce Georgian society to the diversity that exists in the world. We believe that spices have historically been a very important medium through which people can engage in cultural and gastronomic exchange, which is essential for development.
We are working to become a successful Georgian international brand, which will play a significant role in the presentation of Georgian gastronomic culture in the international market
Our company can develop a unique assortment and line of spices for you and become your stable supplier.
Advantages of outsourcing product development and production:
Low production cost
Optimization of investments in development and product development.
Simplifying the operational activities of your company: you don't need to maintain technologists, a product line development department, or production equipment and obtain certification.
Quarterly update of the assortment and offers of new items based on ABС analysis
Photo / video shootings for marketing content
Consulting and support for your spice brand
Produs natural fără aditivi alimentari, fără adaosuri de zahăr,sare și fără conservanți.
Hrana sănătoasă, beneficii multiple pentrusănătate și organismul uman.
Ideal para una cobertura duradera, que protege y nutre sin obstruir los poros. Descubre nuestras opciones para distintos tonos de piel.
Esta base mineral es conocida por su acabado natural y ligero, ideal para quienes buscan un look saludable y radiante. Su fórmula libre de químicos agresivos permite una cobertura modulable, desde ligera a completa, protegiendo además la piel con SPF 15. Perfecta para pieles sensibles, deja un acabado sedoso sin obstruir los poros.
Natural Refined Palm Oil Wholesale Suppliers
Natural Refined Palm Oil 100% Pure wholesalers manufacturer from Asia. Also, you can order 100% Pure Cooking Palm Oil At Wholesale Price with Horus oil.
Most of the whole Production of the Palm Oil gotten from Indonesia’s Rainforest. With positions third on the planet, the other two being in the Amazon and Congo bowls.
Natural Refined Palm Oil 100% Pure - Private label designed
RBD Palm Oil Distributor
RBD (Refined, Bleached, and Deodorized) palm oil distributors are key players in the supply chain. Hence providing high-quality palm oil to various industries, including food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals.
These distributors source palm oil from certified producers, ensuring that the oil meets stringent quality and safety standards. They manage the logistics of transporting the oil from production facilities to end-users. Hence often offering flexible delivery options and customized packaging.
Reputable RBD palm oil distributors known for their reliability, consistency, and commitment to sustainability, helping businesses maintain a steady supply of this essential ingredient.
Red Palm Oil vs. Palm Oil
Red palm oil and regular palm oil differ primarily in their processing and nutritional content.
Thus, Red palm oil is less refined, retaining its natural reddish color due to high levels of carotenoids and antioxidants like vitamin E.
This makes it richer in nutrients compared to regular palm oil, which undergoes further refining, bleaching, and deodorizing processes that remove these beneficial compounds.
Red palm oil is prized for its health benefits and distinct flavor, making it popular in health-conscious markets and culinary applications, while regular palm oil is widely used in processed foods, cosmetics, and industrial products.
Kawa Terra's Robusta green coffee beans are sustainably sourced from Uganda's fertile rural regions, where they thrive under natural sunlight without chemicals. Known for their robust flavour and high caffeine content, these beans provide a unique profile ideal for creating strong, full-bodied brews. Committed to ethical practices, Kawa Terra partners with local farmers to support fair trade and ecological responsibility.
Les Webineurs, agence SEO à Caen, améliorent votre visibilité en ligne avec des stratégies sur mesure et un accompagnement personnalisé. Contactez-nous pour booster votre présence digitale.
Il profumo microincapsulato al cocco offre un'esperienza olfattiva esotica e avvolgente, perfetta per chi ama le fragranze dolci e tropicali. Questo profumo cattura l'essenza cremosa e calda del cocco, evocando sensazioni di vacanza e relax. Grazie alla microincapsulazione, il profumo viene rilasciato gradualmente, garantendo una lunga durata e un'esperienza olfattiva costante. Ideale per profumare ambienti domestici o spazi commerciali, il profumo al cocco aggiunge un tocco di dolcezza e calore.
Experience the soothing benefits of aromatherapy with our Ceramic Electric Round Shaped Aroma Diffuser. This stylish diffuser not only enhances your home decor but also fills your space with delightful scents. Paired with a 10 ML bottle of lavender oil, it creates a calming atmosphere perfect for relaxation. The diffuser is easy to use and features adjustable settings, allowing you to customize the intensity of the fragrance. With its elegant design, it makes a perfect gift for anyone looking to enhance their wellness routine. Transform your home into a tranquil oasis with this beautiful aroma diffuser.
We are exuberant to present you with our 100% Vegan, Pure, Natural, Organic, Non-GMO and Fresh RED KAMALA POWDER, which is produced using superlative quality raw Mallotus Philippensis Seeds procured from the specific geographical regions of India considered ideal for their cultivation or natural occurrence. We have prepared this herbal product through combination of Ancient Ayurvedic principles and latest modern scientific technologies in order to get a finished product that is rich in principle medicinal essence, and is absolutely free from any synthetic additives, artificial coloring agents, pesticides or other harmful chemical substances. We recommend you to try our Red Kamala Powder just once because we are sure that you will be completely satisfied with its quality and results!
Ingredients: 100% Ground Mallotus Philippensis Seeds
Botanical Name (inci): Mallotus Philippensis
Synonyms (botanical): Rottlera Tinctoria
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Common English Name: Red Kamala, Dyer's Rottlera
Common Hindi Name: Kamala, Raini, Sinduri, Roli, Kumkum
Sanskrit Name: Kampilyaka, Raktapushpa
Plant Parts Used: Seeds, Bark, Heartwood
Product Offered: Seed Powder
Medicinal Uses: Anthelmintic, Skin Infections, Stomach Ulcer, Tapeworm Infections.
Packaging Type/size: Retail - 100/200/500/1000g., Kraft Paper Bag, Wholesale - 25kg. Hdpe Bag
Certifications: Iso 9001:2015, Iso 22000:2018, Gmp, Organic, Fssai
HABITAT : It is distributed in tropical and subtropical regions throughout India. In India, it is widely distributed in western Himalayas and also found in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh.
MEDICINAL PROPERTIES : It has Anthelmintic, Anti-bacterial, Anti-oxidant, Anti-cancer, Anti-fertility, Anti-filarial, Anti-fungal, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-Leukaemic, Anti-lithic, Anti-microbial, Anti-microfilaria, Anti-parasitic, Anti-spasmodic, Anti-tuberculosis, Astringent, Cardiacdepressant, Carminative, Hemostatic, Hepatoprotective, Hypoglycemic, Immunomodulatory, Maturant, Purgative, Stimulant, Vulnerary and Wound healing properties.
Il Caffè Verde è noto per le sue proprietà benefiche e il suo ruolo nella promozione di uno stile di vita sano. A differenza del caffè tostato, i chicchi di caffè verde non subiscono il processo di tostatura, mantenendo così un alto contenuto di acido clorogenico, un potente antiossidante. Questo rende il caffè verde una scelta popolare per chi cerca di migliorare il proprio benessere generale e supportare la perdita di peso.
Oltre ai suoi benefici per la salute, il caffè verde offre un sapore unico e distintivo, leggermente erbaceo e meno amaro rispetto al caffè tradizionale. Può essere consumato come bevanda calda o fredda, o utilizzato come integratore alimentare. Il caffè verde è una scelta eccellente per chi desidera esplorare nuove esperienze di gusto e beneficiare delle sue proprietà salutari.
Arabica Kintamani Kaffee stammt von der Insel Bali, die nicht nur für ihre natürliche Schönheit, sondern auch für ihren einzigartigen Kaffee bekannt ist. Der Kaffee wird in der Region Kintamani angebaut, die sich durch ihre homogene landwirtschaftliche Struktur auszeichnet. Die Kaffeebäume werden zusammen mit anderen Pflanzen wie Gemüse und Orangen unter Schattenbäumen gepflanzt und mit organischem Dünger gepflegt. Der Kaffee wird durch einen Nassprozess verarbeitet, der größere grüne Bohnen hervorbringt als in anderen Regionen. Der Geschmack von Kintamani Kaffee ist frisch und zitrusartig, ohne einen Nachgeschmack zu hinterlassen, und hat einen mittleren Körper mit einem starken, süßen Aroma.
Dear Partners,
The Polish-Kazakhstan enterprise MSF offers flax seeds and cold-pressed flaxseed oil, produced on our own farmlands in Northern Kazakhstan.
Advantages of Our Products:
• Eco-friendly: Our flax is cultivated without the use of chemical pesticides or herbicides. The land is used in crop rotation with forage crops, promoting sustainable agriculture.
• High Quality: Flax seeds intended for the European Union market are additionally cleaned to contain less than 1% of weed impurities.
• In-house Production: We offer flaxseed oil produced by primary cold pressing, retaining all the beneficial properties of the product.
Supply Volume:
This year, we are offering 2,000 tons of flax seeds for sale. We are also able to produce and supply cold-pressed flaxseed oil.
Terms of Delivery:
• Delivery: We ensure transportation to the buyer’s warehouse.
• Payment Terms: Payment upon acceptance by the buyer within 5 banking days.
Additional quality indicators are available upon request.
Best regards,
MSF – Your Reliable Supplier of Flax Seeds and Flaxseed Oil
For more detailed information, please contact us.